Combining the popular Stress and Hormone Profile with both fasting and non-fasting insulin, in one comprehensive profile
Metabolism digestion detoxification
Metabolic iQ™

Metabolism digestion detoxification
In our striving for optimal wellness, nothing is more key than having a good sense of our body’s ongoing interaction with what we consume and the resulting energy response, or lack thereof. In other words, our metabolism. FLUIDS iQ proudly provides a unique series of easy to use, analytical wellness tests that shine a light on key metabolic biomarkers that in and of themselves provide important information about the state of one’s metabolic health. When taken together, however, they tell a more detailed story of what we like to call an individual’s Metabolic iQ™
The FLUIDS iQ Suite of Metabolic iQ™ Tests
A combination of our flagship stress test – Adrenal Check – with a measurement of both Secretory IgA and Insulin.
Biomarkers of digestion, detoxification and oxidative stress are the hallmarks of this foundational Metabolic iQ™ test.
Metabolic iQ™
What is Metabolic iQ™?
Metabolism digestion detoxification
From analysing levels of key biomarkers for digestion, detoxification and oxidative stress in dried urine to measuring levels of glucose metabolism in saliva – and more! – FLUIDS iQ’s suite of Metabolic iQ™ tests can be an aid towards helping understand one’s state of metabolic wellness.What is Metabolic Syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome is a disorder of energy utilization and storage, the principal signs of which include fat tissue accumulation mainly around the waist and trunk, as well as high blood pressure, imbalances of “good” and “bad” cholesterol and impaired fasting glucose and insulin resistance, often brought on by prolonged, chronic stress that can lead to hormonal imbalances.