Stress Hormones Insulin

FLUIDS iQ Stress Hormones Insulin

Who is This Test For?

Balance. Physical, mental, emotional…we all strive for it. Whether we’re seeking to understand our levels of key hormonal markers, or gauging where we’re at in our immune and metabolic status, seeking to balance them all is not always so easy. So, here’s a convenient, comprehensive test focusing on the fundamental sex hormones, as well as key markers of immune and metabolic function, that goes a step towards keeping us moving forward…in balance.

FLUIDS iQ’s Advanced Stress and Hormone Profile combines our two key salivary profiles – The Stress and Hormone Profile, as well as The Stress and Metabolic Profile – into one advanced, comprehensive test analyzing key biomarkers of hormonal, immune and metabolic balance.

Advanced Stress & Hormone Profile


Measuring both fasting and non-fasting insulin gives the clearest picture of the body’s ability to make insulin, as well as its ability to use it to keep glucose in normal levels.

Fasting insulin is used chiefly to measure levels related to diabetes and insulin resistance. The latter is a condition in which the cells in muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin, leading to a greater difficulty by those cells to take up glucose from the blood.

Non- fasting insulin is used to determine the cause of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), as well as to diagnose or monitor insulin resistance. In saliva, insulin levels vary with type of meal and sample collection time. These levels may be elevated in cases of insulin resistance and have been found to be an accurate screening tool for identifying those at risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease later in life. The FLUIDS iQ’s Advanced Stress and Hormone Profile measures both fasting and non- fasting insulin levels.

About Insulin

Stress Hormones Insulin

Insulin is a hormone created by the Langerhans β-cells of the pancreas, that controls the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin also helps store glucose in the liver, fat, and muscles and regulates the body’s metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Lack of regulation may lead to obesity, which represents a major risk factor for a large number of conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and cancer. A key factor in minimizing the impact of obesity involves reducing the prevalence of childhood obesity, as well as monitoring overweight and at-risk individuals early on in the disease progression.

About Secretory IgA (SIgA)

Stress Hormones Insulin

Secretory IgA (SIgA) reflects the resilience of the immune response and the effect of stress on the immune system. SIgA is a product of activated B cells lying in intimate contact with mucosal membranes in the nasal passages, oral cavity, the lacrimal glands, the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, as well as the genitourinary tract. All these mucosal surfaces are exposed to the external environment, and SIgA is an important part of the first line of immune defense against pathogens that cause infection. It binds to these infectious pathogens and prevents their adhesion and penetration into the body.

About Melatonin

Melatonin SIgA Stress

Melatonin is a hormone produced during the dark phase of the day by the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland in the brain that regulates the sleep-wake cycle (ie: Circadian rhythm). It also is observed in high numbers in the gut where its local effects are involved in a myriad of actions, including metabolism, immune function, gut function, inflammation, mitochondrial function, free radical scavenging, and direct anti-oxidant activity. All these melatonin functions interact thereby balancing circadian rhythms, which can help ensure proper sleep patters, decrease oxidative stress and limit increases in reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.